! Hells Masquerade
silent pics
Friday, Feb. 04, 2005 - Abortion NOT Adoption!

*Originally written March 23, 2000 for a Writers Craft class.*

We at the medical center propose that all you pregnant women out there kill your unborn babies! Yes, you read right, we want your dead babies. Forget about everything you've heard about abortion and come to us to save your souls!

Our world is over populated, polluted and violent. Do you want your children growing up in this? With your help we can minimize the size of our world and cut the disease, famine and the suffering of our people.

Do not ignore our plea. Husbands, boyfriends, do you really want (need) another mouth to feed besides your own? Are you really ready for this responsibility? You know the answer to this, the true answer. We can help you - we want to help you - because we understand.

We want the same things you do. A bright, clear future full of laughter, not heartache. Come, spend an hour with us and change your lives, help your community and take responsibility for your actions. You will be relieved that you did and so will we.

No, you're not a bad person but you're sure good at biting satire.~Teachers comments

I recieved a 10/10 for that piece. Every week we had a class discussion and were to write a "journal" entry about the topic. Any style we chose. That week was abortion.

I was looking through some old papers and found it. I added it 'cause Mrs F. gave me confidence about my writing. Telling the class to come see me if they want to know about satire. She used that word to describe a few of my pieces.

Damn that made me feel good.

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